What do product leaders need to consider when launching accessible products? In this episode of Product Talk hosted by Jonathan Ozeran, Disney Fmr VP of Product Dave Lankford shares insights from his career launching major products at Disney, MLB, and other companies. He discusses the importance of designing for diverse audiences, including those with disabilities. Lankford also emphasizes the value of collaboration and inclusivity when building great products. The discussion looks to the future of product management with new technologies like spatial computing. Tune in for valuable lessons on innovation, accessibility, and leadership.

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Show Notes

  1. Dave Lankford shares insights from over 20 years in product management and innovation.
  2. It’s important for product leaders to use their own products.
  3. Accessible and inclusive products address unmet needs, especially for underserved groups.
  4. Innovating from the edges can lead to new opportunities.
  5. Storytelling benefits from building anticipation and understanding perspectives.
  6. Collaboration and inclusivity are key to building great product teams.
  7. Product managers should empower team members and share recognition.
  8. New technologies like spatial computing are reaching an inflection point.
  9. Products should solve real problems and create meaningful value.
  10. Why a platform should be considered from a value perspective.
  11. Personalization and privacy definitions may need to evolve.
  12. International products require understanding local languages and cultures.
  13. Sourcing native speakers provides important local insights.
  14. Spatial computing could enhance empathy by allowing new perspectives.
  15. Future tools may support more immersive collaboration.
  16. Terms like personalization will take on new meanings.
  17. Privacy will encompass physical spaces and biometric data.
  18. Storytelling can make users feel like the hero of an experience.
  19. Innovation should aim to increase empathy on a global scale.
  20. Keeping up with industry leaders is valuable for product leaders.

About the speaker
Dave Lankford Former Disney, Hulu, MLB, Sharecare, VP of Product Member

With deep experience in product, technology, and strategic leadership, including executive roles at Disney and MLB, Dave is known for cultivating collaborations, accelerating innovation, and delivering exceptional products that have measurable impact. At Disney, he formed the Product Advanced Innovation Team (PAINT)—creative technologists working at the bleeding edge of spatial computing, artificial intelligence, large language models, haptics, and game engines. He previously formed Disney Streaming’s Platform Product team, led product initiatives spanning all areas of their direct-to-consumer business, and oversaw global expansions in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. His teams helped grow Disney+ from zero to over 100 Million subscribers in 16 months and engaged over 200 million paying subscribers across all global platforms.

About the host
Jonathan Ozeran Director of Product, Director of Product

Jonathan is a product and operations leader, company builder, investor and advisor. He has assembled, scaled and led product, design, software engineering, hardware engineering and machine learning teams across numerous financing stages (pre-seed through Series G).

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