What to expect

  • Unique perspectives from featured VP/C-suite products executives
  • Webinar Format: Enjoy our Speaker Presentation followed by Q&A Session

How is AI transforming product management? In this webinar, Workiva CPO Nitin T Bhat will explore how artificial intelligence is transforming the way products are developed, launched, and marketed. He will discuss the benefits and challenges of using AI in product management and how it can be leveraged to enhance creating better products/experiences. Join us to gain valuable insights on the advantages and obstacles presented by the integration of AI in product management.

About the speaker
Nitin Bhat Chief Product Officer

Nitin T Bhat is the Chief Product Officer at Workiva. His past stints include Microsoft Azure, AWS, Amazon.com, Smartsheet, and Intel. Nitin is a Product Management instructor and advisor at Product School. Nitin is a board member and advisor to startups including Eagle10 Ventures and Zvolv.

About the host
Rishikesh Yardi Head of Chapter Seattle

Rishikesh is a Sr. Product Leader at Instacart. He has 10+ years of field knowledge at some of the most prestigious product companies in the world. He enjoys working on product development from the bottom-up and seeing products come to fruition.

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