In episode #4 of the Product Awards Series, Mperativ Co-Founder and CMO Daniel Raskin speaks with Ubiety Technologies CPO Nacho Andrade. According to Raskin, the roles of product management and marketing are intertwined, especially in the world of SaaS companies. Mperativ is helping Chief Marketing Officers connect their activities to revenue. The CMO role is evolving to take more ownership of growth. They also discuss how product management is changing as companies specialize and become more sophisticated, creating new opportunities for businesses like Mperativ. Overall, the discussion offers insights on connecting product and revenue and the changing landscape of marketing and product management.

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Show Notes

  1. The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) role is going through a shift and owning growth in addition to go-to-market activities.
  2. The CMO role has the shortest tenure of all executive roles, in part due to the language used being foreign to the rest of the business.
  3. Product and product marketing used to be one role, but have split in recent years.
  4. Product is an important aspect of the CMO role for connecting product and revenue.
  5. Imperativ is a SaaS company focused on helping CMOs connect everything they’re doing more tightly to revenue.
  6. Imperativ helps CMOs with fiscal year planning, building an inverted demand engine, lead plans, pipeline forecasting, and more.
  7. Specialization and verticalization in the product market are opening up opportunities for companies like Imperativ.
  8. The CMO role is changing due to the sophistication of product technology and the move towards SaaS companies.
  9. Mperativ normalizes scalable and repeatable marketing operations, planning, and processes for SaaS platforms.
  10. The CMO role is not just about go-to-market activities but also understanding the health and growth of the business.
  11. Connecting marketing activities to net new logo revenue is crucial for CMO success.
  12. Predicting and managing pipeline is important for the CMO role.
  13. There is a misconception that some CMOS only focus on go-to-market activities, while others only focus on messaging and branding.
  14. Product management and product play an important role in the CMO role and key to success.
  15. Imperativ helps CMOs be more effective in their roles.
  16. The CMO role and product management are intertwined and connected.
  17. Imperativ helps CMOs answer questions about pipeline generation, net new logo revenue, and sales team contribution.
  18. Imperativ helps CMOs gain bandwidth to focus on other important aspects of their role.
  19. Imperativ helps CMOs focus on scalable, repeatable processes.
  20. Imperativ helps CMOs succeed in their role and connect marketing activities to revenue.
About the speaker
Daniel Raskin Mperativ, Co-Founder Member
About the host
Nacho Andrade Ubiety Technologies, Fmr CPO

Nacho is an Evangelist for all things product, advocating for innovation, diversity, and building amazing products. Nacho has spent over 10 years in product roles ranging from startups to enterprise in industries like education, healthcare, finance and gaming.

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