How can scaleable databases simplify technology? In this episode of Product Divergence, Product Talk Host and Ubiety Technologies CPO Nacho Andrade meets with HarperDB Field CTO Jaxon Repp for an insightful conversation on how HarperDB is revolutionizing database solutions by making them both performant and user-friendly. Discover Jaxon’s fascinating journey from a self-taught developer to a seasoned professional in the tech startup scene, and hear his insights regarding why intelligent engineers sometimes create products that are too complex for everyday users. From simplifying distributed systems to reducing latency in critical workloads, HarperDB’s approach to database management is transforming the industry. Learn how HarperDB reaches its target audience, engages with channel partners and developers, and builds trust within the tech community.

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Show Notes

  1. Jaxon Repp is the CTO and Head of Marketing at HarperDB.
  2. Jaxon learned web development by typing HTML into AOL’s keyword bar and experimenting with JavaScript.
  3. He has experience in eight startups and observed that intelligent engineers often create complex products for users.
  4. Jaxon reflects on the early days of the internet and scaling challenges, mentioning Netscape.
  5. HarperDB is simplifying tech with scaleable databases by implementing data management using serverless and lambda API endpoints.
  6. Traditional databases are discussed as having limitations.
  7. HarperDB provides an easy-to-use database with features like a native HTTP API and real-time streaming.
  8. The company is simplifying tech with scaleable databases using distributed systems to reduce complexity and costs.
  9. Their target audience includes those seeking an easy-to-use database solution.
  10. HarperDB targets big channel partners and developers.
  11. They evangelize their solution to build reputation and trust.
  12. Jaxon emphasizes being the first power user of HarperDB and building demo apps.
  13. He contributed to developing the first UI for HarperDB, called the studio.
  14. HarperDB combines horizontal and vertical scaling in a single, installable solution.
  15. The company focuses on education and relevant content creation.
  16. They leverage large network partners to reach SMBs.
  17. HarperDB participates in bake offs to demonstrate product effectiveness.
  18. They reduced latency in a critical workload by 70%.
  19. HarperDB prioritizes user experience, intuitive interfaces, and customer-driven feature development.
About the speaker
Jaxon Repp HarperDB, Field CTO Member

Jaxon has over 25 years of experience architecting, designing, and developing enterprise software. He is the founder of three technology startups and has consulted with multiple Fortune 500 companies on IoT and Digital Transformation initiatives. A partially-reformed developer, he understands what it’s like to wrestle with technology instead of benefiting from it, and believes passionately that if the Jetsons never had an episode where a config file error brought down the food-o-matic, it surely should not be a problem now.

About the host
Nacho Andrade Ubiety Technologies, Fmr CPO

Nacho is an Evangelist for all things product, advocating for innovation, diversity, and building amazing products. Nacho has spent over 10 years in product roles ranging from startups to enterprise in industries like education, healthcare, finance and gaming.

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