This infographic is all about the network of interconnected physical devices exchanging information online: the Internet of Things.

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The Editorial Desk at Products That Count Products That Count, Editor Administrator

Products that Count is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that helps everyone build great products. It celebrates product excellence through coveted Awards that inspire 500,000+ product managers and honor great products and the professionals responsible for their success. It accelerates the career and rise to the C-suite of >30% of all Product Managers globally by providing exceptional programming – including award-winning podcasts and popular newsletters – for free. It acts as a trusted advisor to all CPOs at Fortune 1000, and publishes key insights from innovative companies, like Capgemini, SoFi, and Amplitude, that turn product success into business success.

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Product Industries to Watch: Fintech Infographic

This infographic is all about technology in the financial services industry. In other words: fintech. Keep your eye on this sector, PMs.

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Product Industries to Watch: Life Sciences Infographic

This infographic is all about technology in the financial services industry. In other words: fintech. Keep your eye on this sector, PMs.

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Product Industries to Watch: Telecom Infographic

This telecom infographic is all about the products creating better connectivity in text, audio, and video.

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Product Industries to Watch: B2B Tech Infographic

This B2B tech infographic is all about commerce, connections, and exchange of data from business to business.

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Product Industries to Watch: AdTech Infographic

This B2B tech infographic is all about commerce, connections, and exchange of data from business to business.

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Product Leaders to Watch: Macy’s, ZEFR, and Universal Electronics Product Leads on Telecom, AdTech, and IoT

In the second episode in our AAB series, 4 product leaders discuss 3 key product industries today: telecom, AdTech, and IoT.

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