How can product leaders embrace change and learn from their experiences? The times, they are a-changing’. Whether you’re an experienced PM working on a new-to-you product, a brand-new PM making a career shift, or any-level-of-experience PM feeling like you’ve been tossed into the unknown – it’s all going to be ok. In this webinar, League AVP Andy Smith shares insights on strategies to truly understand the impact of your past experiences, learn more from your current circumstances, and be more effective in bringing your unique value to everything you do in the future.
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Webinar Notes:
- The webinar focused on adapting to career changes and managing personal growth.
- League AVP Andy Smith, with experience in multiple industries, discussed his career journey and achievements.
- Change happens for a reason and insights on managing it.
- Economic design principles, such as incentivization and engagement, for application in various areas of life.
- The importance of understanding one’s niche and impact in product management.
- Hyper-focus and focus for achieving a positive ROI in product development.
- The importance of communicating the value of one’s work to others.
- Reflection on both successes and failures for learning and growth.
- The challenges of creating a successful app, including identifying core values and learning from successful products.
- Successful features in games like Fortnite for application in fitness apps.
- Understanding stakeholders’ motivations to craft valuable contributions and work with competing factors.
- The importance of finding wins for all parties involved and defining success.
- The “graying of products” phenomenon and highlighted the importance of prioritizing wins for most people.
- The importance of building relationships and understanding one’s value in advancing a career.
- Focus on how personal success can benefit managers and peers and to leverage systems like kudos or review systems to share achievements.
- The importance of knowing when to quit a non-working product or feature, even if it means admitting failure.
- Taking opportunities to repeat and try things differently to learn and improve.
- Don’t give advice to others without first applying it to oneself, as one’s own experiences often serve as the source of advice.
- Andy’s non-linear career progression and the impact of not taking a step back or a less demanding role after reaching a CEO position.
- The difficulty of recognizing change and its potential negative impact on one’s life if not addressed. Accepting change and unpacking baggage to facilitate growth and development in a rapidly changing environment.