Early stage startups typically don’t have dedicated product managers / product owners.  But once they get to 30 people or have a few big-revenue customers, lack of product management can be disastrous.  Startup veteran Rich Mironov talks about typical symptoms for growing startups, what product managers/owners really do, and why they are important for scaling products up.


About the Video:
Speaker: Rich Mironov

About the speaker
Rich Mirinov Mironov Consulting, CEO Member

Rich is a 40 year veteran of B2B/enterprise product management including 6 startups (2 exits), 15 interim CPO/VP Product roles, and has coached scores of product executives/product managers. Rich founded Product Camp (2008), has been blogging about PM since 2002, and consulted to more than 200 software companies. He is a relentless writer, speaker, teacher and mentor on software strategy, product management, and aligning “what-we-can-build” with “what-markets-will-pay-for.”

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