Here is the 9th episode of the Product Awards Series. Ubiety Techologies CPO Nacho Andrade speaks with Ellipsis Health CPO Melissa McCool. Listeners will explore the innovative use of AI and machine learning to detect anxiety and depression through voice analysis. McCool, a former social worker, recognized the limitations of traditional methods for identifying mental health issues and saw the potential for technology to scale interventions. The discussion covers Ellipsis Health’s technology, which analyzes both spoken words and their delivery to determine levels of anxiety and depression. McCool shares her journey from clinician to product manager and emphasizes the importance of problem-solving and collaboration in product development. Listeners will gain insights into integrating behavioral health into primary care, managing cross-functional teams, and navigating a career in product management. Don’t miss this discussion on transforming mental healthcare with AI.

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Show Notes

  1. Ellipsis Health uses AI and machine learning to detect anxiety and depression through voice analysis.
  2. Their technology analyzes both the words and the way they are spoken to determine levels of anxiety and depression.
  3. Traditional methods of self-reporting or questionnaires can be ineffective as people may not realize or admit they are suffering.
  4. The technology has potential applications beyond mental health, similar to using advanced science during COVID to test wastewater for the virus.
  5. Ellipsis Health operates in the healthcare space, aiming to help individuals in need and improve clinical outcomes, especially for those with multiple medical problems.
  6. They also offer two deployment options: integration into healthcare apps or digital platforms and integration into care calls with healthcare providers for continuous monitoring.
  7. The technology can also provide valuable information to employers, helping them understand employee well-being and address burnout or organizational challenges.
  8. Melissa McCool developed a condensed version of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) called symptom targeted intervention, which gained popularity and was used in thousands of clinics.
  9. McCool then realized the potential for software development to scale the intervention and co-founded a company called Celica.
  10. After collaborating with Ellipsis Health, she joined the company as Chief Product Officer.
  11. McCool emphasizes the importance of identifying problems and addressing assumptions when building products.
  12. Ellipsis Health’s specialized product integrates behavioral health into primary care and improves clinical decision-making processes.
  13. Work meetings at Ellipsis Health focus on having fun and building positive group dynamics.
  14. Building products requires collaboration with various teams and managing cross-functional components and personalities.
  15. It is also important to prioritize the product vision within the organization and overcome internal and external barriers.
  16. Product managers have the responsibility of managing group dynamics and understanding the goals and aspirations of team members.
  17. McCool advises those interested in a career in product management to engage in hands-on experience, experiment, and play around to learn the field.
  18. Internal navigation and self-awareness are crucial for discovering personal strengths and finding the right career path.
  19. Failure should be seen as a step towards success, and learning from failures is essential in product management.
  20. In sum, McCool’s journey involved working as a clinician, identifying problems, developing clinical programs, and leveraging technology for scaling.
About the speaker
Melissa McCool Ellipsis Health, Chief Product Officer & Vice President Member
About the host
Nacho Andrade Ubiety Technologies, Fmr CPO

Nacho is an Evangelist for all things product, advocating for innovation, diversity, and building amazing products. Nacho has spent over 10 years in product roles ranging from startups to enterprise in industries like education, healthcare, finance and gaming.

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