Tugboat entered the security space in 2017 with one goal in mind: to make security assurance a key advantage for every organization. Looking for ways to become thought leaders in the product and security spaces, Tugboat came to Products That Count in 2020 to build awareness with the product manager audience.

Challenge: Reaching product managers and targeted account list at scale

The Tugboat Logic marketing team had a historically difficult challenge reaching product managers to expand their influence and generate leads in the security space.

Solution: Exclusive content and Product Awards sponsorship

Through our global partnership, Tugboat published four exclusive blog posts and one e-book that was delivered to a highly qualified product audience of over 100K people that was primed to listen. As an event sponsor of our annual Product Awards, Tugboat found extensive value by engaging one-on-one with hundreds of C/VP-level product executives and amplifying their message to thousands of product manager attendees.

Outcomes: 60% reach on target account list and tripling engagement with product managers

The Tugboat team connected directly with 60% of their target account customers at the Product Awards event. The exclusive content delivered over 100,000 impressions across multiple social media platforms and tripling their historical reach in the product space.

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