The Rise of Products-and-Services Business Models (eBook)

This eBook looks at the “products-and-services” business model, where it is the whole product – the product experience – that matters.

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The Importance of the Internet of Things

Universal Electronics Sr. Dir of Product Nikki Ahmadi explains the promise and potential of the Internet of Things (IoT).

PropTech: Blurring the Lines Between the Physical and Digital Worlds

The Byrd Digital President Kristopher Drey explains the promise and potential of PropTech, aka property technology.

Intuit Director of Product on the Move from B2C to B2B Product Manager

Rosa Gonzalez Welton shares insights on what it takes to make the move from B2C to B2B product manager.

YegaTech CEO on Real Use Cases of Artificial Intelligence

YegaTech CEO Mehdi Nourbakhsh shares insights on real use cases of artificial intelligence and how it can help product development.

Product Design (eBook)

Not all PMs are designers, but all PMs need to understand the product design process. Read this eBook for best practices from our PM network.

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Tribevest Product Leader on the First 90 Days as a Product Manager

Tribevest Product Leader John Franck shares insights on how to navigate your role as a new product manager, and discover the information necessary to be successful.

The Blockchain Product Roadmap (eBook)

Blockchain is decentralizing finance, enabling Web3, and creating a level of transparency and consumer-control never before seen in tech.

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WorkStep CPO on Embracing Chaos to Better Predict the Future

WorkStep CPO Tommi Forsström shares tactics on using data and good agile principles to better predict the future in a chaotic world.

Leading the Way for Sustainable Products & Services: A Capgemini-Sponsored eBook

From PM priorities, to key metrics, to relevant action steps you can take today, this eBook is about sustainability in products and services.

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