Alloy Head of Product on Navigating the Uncertainties of FinTech in 2023

Parilee Wang discusses the uncertainties of Fintech including fraud, the macroeconomic climate, and new data signals and sources.

The Rise of Products-and-Services Business Models (eBook)

This eBook looks at the “products-and-services” business model, where it is the whole product – the product experience – that matters.

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Fidelity Director of Product Management on Navigating Highly-Regulated Environments

Fidelity Director of Product Management Hannah Lippe shares insights on how to build human-centered products in highly- regulated environments.

Uprise Co-Founder & CEO on Breaking into Fintech

Uprise Co-Founder & CEO Jessica Chen Riolfi shares insights on career growth and breaking into fintech.

Product Design (eBook)

Not all PMs are designers, but all PMs need to understand the product design process. Read this eBook for best practices from our PM network.

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Marqeta VP of Product Management on the Evolution of Products in Fintech

Marqeta VP of Product Management Archana Prasad shares insights on how fintech and product management interplay.

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The Blockchain Product Roadmap (eBook)

Blockchain is decentralizing finance, enabling Web3, and creating a level of transparency and consumer-control never before seen in tech.

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Product Industries to Watch: Fintech Infographic

This infographic is all about technology in the financial services industry. In other words: fintech. Keep your eye on this sector, PMs.

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Republic Product Lead on The Customer Journey in FinTech

Republic Product Lead Matt Hamilton shares insights into the importance of the customer journey and the future of FinTech.

Stash Product VP on Evolving Consumer Needs in Fintech

Stash Product VP Vinod Raman asks: how do you set up a financial PM team that’s innovative and successful?

Ramp Product Head on Building FinTech in the Age of Product

Ramp Product Head, Geoff Charles, joins Product Talk to discuss new ways to build products for FinTech in this new Age of Product.

Vouch CPO on Building Fintech Products

NerdWallet fmr Product VP Rajat Kongovi discusses how innovative fintech companies approach this challenge.

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