LiveCareer Product VP on E-Commerce For International Markets

Creating e-commerce experiences for international requires evaluation of local payment platforms & a wide range consumer preferences.

E-Commerce: Building Long-Term Loyalty

Building customer loyalty involves driving repeat visits for purchasing customers and lowering acquisition costs.

E-Commerce: Moving Through The Funnel

Driving users on e-commerce platforms to become customers requires planning to build purchase confidence through engagement milestones.

Shutterstock Product VP on E-Commerce Growth

The business of e-commerce is a funnel that utilizes a variety of channels to maximize purchase opportunities for a wide range of customers.

How To (Really) Measure E-Commerce Success

E-commerce operations are affected by returns and shipping costs. There are ways to leverage "mistakes" to build lifetime value for customers

Balancing E-Commerce Tech In Retail Experience

Retailers must strikes a balance between e-commerce convenience and personalized interactions to provide customers with a great experience.

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Nordstrom Tech SVP on E-Commerce

There are opportunities for retailers to leverage in-store experiences that complement online transactions, in addition to eCommerce

Brilliant Director of Product on E-Commerce

The future of e-commerce goes beyond online retail, as companies like Amazon are applying tech innovations to reimagine the retail experience

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