Product Awards Series: Kura Technologies Founding CEO on the Diverse VR Market

Kelly Peng tells Nacho Andrade about digital transformation and how it expanded the diverse VR market.

Product Awards Series: MURAL VP of Product on Playing to Wow

Rosalyn Lemieux on the ways that MURAL is helping solve the problem of disconnected hybrid teams. And cultivating fun at the same time.

Product Awards Series: TripleBlind CRO on Data Serving the Greater Good

In Product Awards episode 12, Jay Smilyk discusses how data is the new oil, creating business opportunities and increasing the greater good.

Product Awards Series: Bloom CEO on Mental Health after the Pandemic

The 11th episode of the 2022 Product Awards series features the CEO and co-founder of an innovative mental health app.

Product Awards Series: Pendo SVP of New Products on Utility and Delight

In episode 10 of the 2022 Product Awards series, we learn why the dichotomy between utility and delight may be false.

Product Awards Series: Hootsuite SVP of Product on Sizing the Opportunity

In number 9 in the 2022 Product Awards series, Darren Guarnaccia explains that in prioritization, sizing is everything.

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Product Awards Series: SpatialChat CEO on Building a Virtual Office

In episode 8 in the 2022 Product Awards series, Almas Abulkhairov explains what people still miss about the office.

Product Awards Series: PandaDoc SVP of Product on the Diplomats of Product

Bernard Desarnauts shares why he thinks a good product leader is more like a diplomat than a president – or CEO.

Product Awards Series: Co-Founder on Talking to Users in the Digital Era

This is episode 6 in the 2022 Product Awards series. Here, Mike Korba talks about live chatting with customers for better digital platforms.

Product Awards Series: InVision CPO on Being Obsessed with Team Engagement

InVision has been maniacally obsessed with creating simple products that get everyone engaged within the organization.

Product Awards Series: Amplitude SVP of Product on the Customer as Part of the Team

From the company’s origins to its evolving analytics tools, Justin Bauer explains why, at Amplitude, the customer is part of the team.

Product Awards Series: Optimizely VP of Product On Experimenting Instead Of Guessing

Optimizely VP of Product Thilo Richter on why a great PM might have a few things in common with an experimenting scientist.

Product Awards Series: Heap VP of Product On Building Solutions People Are Willing To Buy

Heap VP of Product Rachel Obstler gives insights into how Heap built analytics tooling customers were willing to buy.

Product Awards Series: Sprig Product Lead On Researching The Why

Learn how Product Managers can leverage end user research at scale to make really good product decisions.

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