Products That Count Corporate Members get access to our highest level of learning resources. This paid offer involves virtual workshops that allow Corporate Members to benefit from personalized feedback and guidance. Corporate Membership is a benefit exclusively offered to all our Corporate Sponsors.

These exclusive offerings will help you combat ineffective Product Management that is slowing down your digital transformation. We partner with Fortune 100 companies and fast growing startups to accelerate the rise of product to the C-suite, transform product teams into a competitive advantage, and deliver proven ROI.

  • 30% increase in productivity of PM and engineering teams
  • 9 out of 10 customers see increased productivity in 30 days
  • 30% boost in growth mindset, ie innovation, within 3 months

Personalized Mentorship for Product Team (Paid)

Ineffective Product Management comes at a cost: failed launches, lost revenue, decreased Engineering throughput, and a high turnover on the Product team.

Our customers have seen

  • increased PM & Engineering productivity by 30% (especially important in tough economic times)
  • increased growth mindset by 30% within 3 months (more innovation in good times)

Click the teal “Live Chat” button to talk with a Products That Count expert.

Turn your product team into a competitive advantage. You can’t afford to do nothing.

We know one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter training does not work. Products That Count provides continuous & iterative mentorship to your Product Team. It works!

Executive Mastermind Circle (Paid)

Elevate your brand and scale your impact through peer-to-peer learning with other product executives by 1) sharing Best Practices & Troubleshooting Problems together, 2) being accountable for short-term and long-term results 3) discussing your Personal Growth as a CPO or Product executive.

Mastermind Circles can be run with

  • Executives and Product Leaders from within your company only – see here
  • Executive and Product Leaders from across multiple non-competing companies – see here

Check out the short video below to hear Products That Count Chief Product Officer Renée Niemi discuss why you will want to attend a Mastermind Circle.

Click the teal “Live Chat” button to talk with a Products That Count expert about joining a Mastermind Circle.

Product Salons (Paid)

Product Salons are invitation-only virtual events for product executives. These events are held monthly, alternating between the East and West Coast times.

Recent Salon topics have included 1) the role of the CPO, 2) B2B product challenges, 3) AI, and 4) best practices in product prioritization.

Click the teal “Live Chat” button to talk with a Products That Count expert about joining an upcoming Product Salon.

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  • All eBooks
  • All Infographics
  • Product Award resources
  • Search for other members

Coming soon for members only: personalized content, engagement, and networking.