How do you build a product that will provide a rewarding experience for product users? In episode #2 of the Product Awards Series, radd. Founder Sivan Baram meets with Ubiety Technologies CPO Nacho Andrade and discusses her unique approach to building successful products that provide value to the intended product users. She speaks on her personal journey as a product manager and the product management considerations that made radd. successful. This includes embodying the user perspective, the influence of verticalization and specialization trends, and building a human connection through a product. 

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On embodying the user perspective

“We spent a lot of time speaking to customers. Meeting with them, understanding what they like, what they don’t like, and what is irrelevant and unnecessary. Entrepreneurs have the tendency of going for too much. And I think we also had that in the beginning. To be minimalistic is so much more difficult. The users have helped us get to that minimalism, understand what is necessary in the product, and what they want the most from our product. 

“We did research in the beginning to understand the users. We asked people that are actually uploading reviews, what would you like the option to do? Would you like to be affiliated with the brands that you love? Would you like that kind of exposure? We spent a lot of time understanding the needs.”

“We won in the B2B tech category, which is exactly what we do. I can understand why that’s the category that was chosen for us because we understood that our product is a good fit as a SaaS platform for B2B customers. In our case, they are Shopify brands. They can integrate and read with a few clicks, and begin paying a monthly fee. Then, they can access an entire platform that provides all kinds of opportunities. It allows them to increase their engagement, increase their traffic with lives, and increase conversions, which is what every online brand is looking for. That is exactly what our platform is doing for them. 

“It’s not only an exciting shoppable experience that is beautiful and attractive, but it’s also data-driven, so they get all the data behind what is going on on their site. It’s actually powerful because it’s allowing them to increase sales. At the end of the day, people are enjoying authentic reviews that are created by real people. They also enjoy a new kind of interaction. They can shop through it very easily. And we’re adding more and more options to our stories. So it gets even more exciting with time. 

“We see that the product is providing value to the brands. They like the aesthetics of it and on the back end, they understand exactly what this content is doing for them.”

On building a human connection through video reviews

“There’s something limiting about today’s reviews, not to mention the fact that reviews can be faked. And with our product, we’re eliminating that option. So reviews can no longer be faked. That in itself is a big differentiator. Almost 100% of us are looking at least one review before making an online purchase. The numbers are proving that most of us are shopping online, only based on some kind of reviews. Video reviews are giving us a more in-depth look at the products that we like. With the tools today, we would probably go to YouTube to understand their product better. 

“This combines the E-commerce reviews of today that usually include a star rating and text. The visual experience allows people to be more descriptive and to give more detail about the product. There’s a more human aspect, and it’s a much more attractive, engaging experience for the users.”

About the speaker
Sivan Baram radd., Founder Member
About the host
Nacho Andrade Ubiety Technologies, Fmr CPO

Nacho is an Evangelist for all things product, advocating for innovation, diversity, and building amazing products. Nacho has spent over 10 years in product roles ranging from startups to enterprise in industries like education, healthcare, finance and gaming.

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