CarMax Sr. Product Leader on Product Management: Reality vs. Perception

CarMax Product Leader Susan Stavitzski on the skills required to be a great product leader.

Ooni Pizza Ovens Fmr Head of Product on Product Innovation in Recessions

Ooni Pizza Ovens Fmr Head of Product Ben Diamant on strategies for driving product innovation in times of constraint.

The Infatuation and Zagat CPO on Setting Up A Great Team

The Infatuation and Zagat CPO Janko Bazhdavela shares his insights into building teams and tapping into a hybrid model.

Community Group Buying – Can the Business Model Work in the US?

Vimeo Product Lead, Emma Cai, shares unique insights and perspectives on if and how community group buying can work in the US.

Anheuser-Busch Fmr Product Director on Product Building Variables

Kurt Williams, Anheuser-Busch Fmr Product Head, discusses ways product managers adapt to product building variables in their environments.

Reef Technology CTO on Evolving Product Strategy in a Time of Crisis

Reef Technology CTO Matt Lindenberger joins Products That Count to discuss how to accelerate and evolve product strategy in a time of crisis.

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Yelp Product Director on Building a Hospitality Product That Serves Businesses & Consumers

Yelp Director of Product Management, Guang Yang, discusses building a hospitality product that serves both businesses & consumers.

Yelp Data Science VP on What You Need To Know About Data Science Products

Yelp Head of Data Science, Justin Norman, on Data Science Products, including what they are and why we should care about them.

Building For The Gig Economy: Part 3, Focusing On The Needs

PJ Tanzillo, Favor Product Lead, talks about focusing on the needs of your users while working on a gig economy based business.

Becoming A Product Owner, Part 3: Optimism to Drive Ownership

The series concludes with DoorDash Product VP, Rajat Shroff, delving into the importance of optimism for driving product ownership.

Favor Delivery Product Lead on Building For The Gig Economy

PJ Tanzillo, Product Lead at Favor Delivery, discusses his start in product by building apps which led to a position at Favor Delivery.

Becoming a Product Owner, Part 2: Be Customer Obsessed, Not Competitor Focused

Rajat Shroff, DoorDash Product VP, shares his key traits for product ownership and how to be customer-obsessed, not competitor focused.

Building Startups vs Products, Part 3: Focusing on Capital

Melody Koh, Blue Apron Fmr Product VP, discusses why capital is important to founders and how to raise it by yourself or through networks.

Building Startups vs Products, Part 2: Focusing on Product and Customers

Melody Koh, Blue Apron Fmr Product VP, elaborates on her methods for creating and developing products and acquiring customers.

Blue Apron Fmr Product VP on Building Startups vs Products

Melody Koh, Blue Apron Fmr Product VP, discusses the principles and strategies needed to be a success when building startups.

Complex Products: Get The Details Right

When managing complex products, the devil is in the details - evaluating multiple scenarios and managing the effects of uncommon situations.

Complex Products: Understanding The Food Journey

Managing complex products is a challenging opportunity for product teams to optimize user experiences that commonly include many pain points.

Snap Kitchen fmr Product Lead on Managing Complex Products

When managing complex products, product teams must focus on building strong brands to stand out from the competition & resonate with users.

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