How can you navigate a non-linear career path in the tech industry? In this podcast, Kaboo Founder Neha Shah meets with Atlassian Data Science Lead Nisha Iyer to discuss non-linear career paths, the power of continuous learning, and the significance of product-market fit. Gain valuable insights on leveraging user interviews, synthesizing data, and understanding customer needs.

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Show Notes

  1. Nisha Iyer reached out to people in the field and secured a data scientist position at the FDA.
  2. Moreover, Nisha’s FDA experience allowed her to practically apply academic knowledge and recognize the need for advanced data science techniques.
  3. The guest at Discovery Communications transitioned to a data scientist role and faced imposter syndrome while coding.
  4. Additionally, non-linear career paths often reward individuals.
  5. Python highlights itself as a powerful programming language that unlocks opportunities in various fields, including journalism.
  6. The podcast showcases Nisha’s journey from communications and the restaurant industry to becoming a data scientist in tech.
  7. Furthermore, navigating a non-linear career path values perseverance, self-advocacy, and continuous learning.
  8. The discussion focuses on the importance of continuous learning and curiosity in product management or leadership roles.
  9. The discussion encourages individuals to seize opportunities and take risks in fields without established job titles.
  10. Share lessons learned from failures and emphasize the importance of market research and understanding user needs.
  11. Discuss the role of UX in product design and the challenges product managers face in conducting user interviews.
  12. CoNote is an AI tool that synthesizes user interview findings to provide automated and unbiased insights.
  13. Find valuable knowledge and insights in various channels within an organization, such as customer support calls and sales interactions.
  14. Combine different research methods, like UX research and market research, to gain valuable insights.
  15. Listen to users and iterate accordingly, as user acceptance and feedback are crucial in determining product market fit.
  16. Mention the importance of balancing engineering planning with iteration and avoiding the sunk cost fallacy.
  17. Emphasize diversity and representation in building effective teams, acknowledging the importance of different backgrounds and experiences.
  18. Leaders should be mindful of biases and strive for inclusivity in hiring and team formation.
  19. Suggest strategies for finding mentors, including cold messaging professionals on platforms like LinkedIn and utilizing mentorship platforms.
  20. Lastly, make the most of mentorship relationships by aligning goals with the mentor’s expertise and preparing specific questions.

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