How can product managers blend their engineering roots, adapt to the complexities of scale, and leverage AI to drive innovation and impact? In this podcast hosted by Justin Leibow, Miso Robotics CPO Alana Abbitt will be speaking on responsible innovation and authentic leadership. Alana shares her insights on building products that empower users, developing diverse and high-performing teams, and the importance of staying true to your leadership style.

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Show Notes

  1. Alana’s diverse career journey from e-commerce to robotics, and the common thread of customer empathy and curiosity.
  2. The importance of understanding customer pain points by immersing yourself in their environment, even if it’s outside your comfort zone.
  3. Balancing quantitative and qualitative data in product development, and relying more on intuition as you gain experience.
  4. The concept of responsible innovation and authentic leadership – creating practical solutions that empower users and have a positive impact.
  5. Alana’s approach to making technology feel like a “helpful colleague” rather than a scary, sci-fi machine.
  6. Considering the long-term impact of products on users’ lives and career progression.
  7. Alana’s management style of providing “air coverage” and being a sounding board for her team.
  8. The importance of having tough conversations and providing constructive feedback to help team members grow.
  9. Alana’s philosophy of developing people beyond a single project or company, even if it means helping them move on.
  10. The value of attracting and retaining talent by treating people as individuals and considering their long-term career goals.
  11. The significance of authenticity in leadership – staying true to your voice and leadership style.
  12. The need for flexibility and adaptability to new information, rather than rigidly sticking to a plan.
  13. Balancing the right execution with doing the right things to achieve the best outcomes.
  14. The challenges of being a woman and a Latina in the male-dominated field of robotics.
  15. Alana’s advice to play to your natural strengths and not feel pressured to conform to stereotypes.
  16. The importance of diverse perspectives and authentic voices in driving innovation and progress in the tech industry.
  17. The value of acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses to build credibility and sustainability in your career.
  18. The need for product leaders to treat people as individuals and consider their long-term career goals.
  19. The significance of being yourself and staying true to your leadership style for sustainable success.
  20. Alana’s emphasis on the importance of diverse perspectives and authentic voices in the tech industry.
About the speaker
Alana Abbitt Miso Robotics, VP and Head of Product Member

Alana Abbitt is the VP of Product Management at Miso Robotics. She is responsible for Product Management, UX and customer experience of the current portfolio and innovation initiatives under co-development agreements. For over 4 years prior to joining Miso, Alana worked at Amazon where she built and ran the services organization for Ring, the consumer electronics and IoT company, before and after its acquisition by Amazon. Throughout her career, Alana has worked in startups and public companies in the tech industry building and scaling service-based businesses. She holds a bachelor's degree from USC Marshall School of Business and an MBA from NYU Stern. She is passionate about responsible innovation and enjoys volunteering and traveling.

About the host
Justin Leibow EY, Platform Operations Lead

Certified Digital Product Manager (CDPM), Certified Project Manager Professional (PMP) and ScrumMaster (CSP) Specialties: Product Development, Product Management, Insurance, Banking, Financial Transformation, Process Improvement, Business Risk

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