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Architect of Uber and Yelp Offices Primo on the Workplace of the Future

Well-designed workplaces are critical to attracting A-players, building culture. Architect Primo Orpilla discusses the future of workplaces

Behavioral Economist Bella Rozenkrants on Why You Are What You Buy

Behavioral Economist Bella Rozenkrants shares best practices and examples of what companies can learn from understanding consumer identity.

Design Visionary Mike Kuniavsky on Cloud Meets Internet of Things

Mike Kuniavsky con creating a competitive advantage for multi-touchpoint services, why and when to use specialized devices

Hummingbird Co-Founder on Money by Design

Joe Robinson shares influences that are changing our interaction with money. How does product design impact the way we use money?

Behavioral Economist Kristen Berman on Using the Insights of Irrationality

Behavioral Economist and co-founder of Dan Ariely's Irrational Labs, Kristen Berman shares examples of using insights to build great products

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Data Scientist Reveals How Information Spreads on Facebook

Information spreads on Facebook fast. Data scientist Lada Adamic reveals how reshare cascades are formed and how virality can be predicted.

Product Guru Dan Olsen on Lean Products Analytics

Dan Olsen, author of The Lean Product Playbook, shares examples and best practices to use analytics to optimize products and business results.

Building AI Products for the Home

We recently sat down with Universal Electronics SVP Product & Technology, Arsham Hatambeiki, to discuss building AI products for the home.

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