Conceive Products are well represented by Anthony Atlas. Here’s what he had to say about his involvement with the Product Awards, the Awards Advisory Board, and his stage of the product lifecycle:

Why are the Product Awards important?

“It’s always great as a community to really come together to showcase the best and to really take a look at everything that’s out there. I also think it’s a good opportunity to think critically about what matters. 

It kind of forces that. You step back, and you think about your job. You think about how you do the work that you do. And the tools that you use, which ultimately are like any craftsperson. These are the tools that help you get the job done. 

It gives you a chance to survey the scene to think about why do I do things the way I do? Why do I use the tools that I do? What else is everyone else using?”

Why did you want to be involved in the Awards Advisory Board?

“For me, it was the opportunity to give back. I’ve benefited from the work that people do at Products That Count. People get together to volunteer time to think critically about what’s out there and what they’re doing. So, I always like the opportunity to give back and to see if we can do some work that’s going to help other people in their jobs as product managers. 

I’m also a judge for the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, which is something I participated in as a young aspiring scientist when I was back in high school. I’m a judge now and it’s really fun. So, I liked those two aspects a lot.”

On his category: Conceive Products.

“The conceived phase for me, it’s one of the most critical phases in helping a company or product go from zero to one and leading ultimately to the success that you want to have. So, just thinking about the conception of a product or solution, it’s a really difficult phase. I think it’s a really special stage in the product development lifecycle.”

And without further adieu, the Nominees for the Product Awards Conceive categories are…

There are four categories for Conceive Products. They are:

  • Solve Market Problems: How do you understand the problem and the market you’re addressing?
  • Explore Solutions: How do you explore potential solutions (as prototypes) and define what is “good enough”?
  • Communicate Internally: How do you make the business case to your team, collect feedback, and refine your conception of the product?
  • Build a Roadmap: How do you sequence the product and market segments, taking into account impact, effort, and competitive dynamics?

Here are the nominees for each category:

  • Solve Market Problems
    • Miro
    • UserTesting
    • Dropbox Paper
    • UserZoom
    • Airtable
    • UserVoice
    • Capterra
  • Explore Solutions
    • Figma
    • Expediency
    • Overflow
    • Airtable
  • Communicate Internally
    • Slack
    • Keynote
    • Microsoft Teams
    • Google Hangouts
  • Build a Roadmap

We offer our congratulations to each of the nominees for Conceive products. We wish good luck to all of the amazing products that have been nominated. Of course, many thanks to Anthony Atlas for leading the Conceive stage and categories on the Product Awards Advisory Board.

Meanwhile, it’s time for you to vote! Tell us what products you believe are award-worthy! Click here to vote for the products you believe should win for each category.

Did we leave a product that you put to use in the Conceive stage of the product lifecycle? Share your favorites in the comments. Perhaps they’ll be nominated next year!

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