Product Collaboration: Roadmapping For Enterprise

Tools for product roadmapping at large-scale companies must enable collaboration and transparency ato keep everyone on the same page.

How To (Really) Measure E-Commerce Success

E-commerce operations are affected by returns and shipping costs. There are ways to leverage "mistakes" to build lifetime value for customers

Product Managers Must Be Inclusive

Operating with inclusiveness enables product managers to reach their peers and customers with greater effectiveness through active listening.

Balancing E-Commerce Tech In Retail Experience

Retailers must strikes a balance between e-commerce convenience and personalized interactions to provide customers with a great experience.

Leaders Take Product Managers To The Next Level

Product managers benefit from great managers who are respected within the organization and exercise personal empathy.

Product Managers Must Be Bold

Big ideas drive creation of amazing solutions, using data from testing bold hypotheses to take product design to the next level.

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The Right Priorities For Product Managers

PMs must set their priorities correctly to lead product teams, from selecting high-impact projects to seeking constant mentorships

Design Thinking: Mobility As A Service (MaaS)

Mobility as a Service (MaaS) showsf how design thinking can limit the paradox of choice to streamline searchability for eHailing services.

Design Thinking: Solving The Paradox of Choice

There are several ways to address paradox of choice in design thinking, including design simplicity-enabling customers to choose, not pick

Product Management: Customer Success Teams

Customer success teams help PMs identify areas for improvement through direct customer feedback, while reducing churn to drive more revenue.

Product Management: Moving to SaaS

SaaS requires product management teams to focus on gross margin and competitive advantage to maximize sellability and customer retention

Product Design Lessons: #7 – 10

Driving success with product design requires a strong team with people who have intangible qualities that go beyond hard skills.

Product Design Lessons: #4 – 6

To drive sustained growth, build product/market fit before moving forward with new user acquisition and adding new features.

Career Roadmap: Brainstorm, Put It All Together

Drawing inspiration from industry leaders can enhance your career roadmap, from modeling career trajectory to developing new skills.

Career Roadmap: Assessing Your Current State

Assessing the current state of your skills will help solidify your career roadmap to leverage strengths and identify areas for improvement.

Finalize Your Product Management Checklist

PM teams are most effective when potential issues are identified early, flagging potential errors and eliminating confusion on priorities.

Instagram Stories: Product Design & User Habits

Adapting product design to match user needs can be achieved by monitoring how users alter the product experience to produce specific results.

Product Management: Start Your Checklist

PM teams need to think through red flags that can affect new product features, including use case complexity and impact to daily business.

Evolving Instagram’s Product Design

Putting users first is essential for optimizing product design to meet the needs of users and advertisers to create more value.

Design Thinking For Crypto’s Future

Jeremy Henrickson is a product leader committed to making a difference for people through pioneering disruptive innovation. We are starting to see the potential that crypto platforms bring to improving transactional processes and decentralize information. As Jeremy outlines, there is still work to be done in driving mass adoption for crypto technology. Most importantly, crypto’s impact goes far beyond currency solutions – it can give people control over their identity.

Five Principles of Product Design

Sarah Bernard is a product leader who has pioneered innovative design experiences to enhance customer engagement. For product leaders, working effectively with designers is critical to creating meaningful products. Sarah shares her five principles for working with product designers – from leveraging individual strengths to never losing sight of the customer experience.

Design Thinking: Today’s Cryptocurrency

Jeremy Henrickson is a product leader committed to making a difference for people through pioneering disruptive innovation. Breakthroughs with blockchain and crypto technologies have transformed the landscape for commerce and transactions. While cryptocurrency is very much in its early stages, Jeremy explains the solutions it provides for today’s financial system. In addition, he talks about the role that Coinbase plays in building consumer confidence in cryptocurrency.

Product Design: Avoid These Mistakes

Sarah Bernard is a product leader who has pioneered innovative design experiences to enhance customer engagement. One of the biggest mistakes that product leaders make is not knowing how to talk to designers. Sarah outlines five common personas that many product leaders fall into when they fail to connect with designers and create ineffective collaboration.

Product Management: Customers & MVP

Ash Wahi has led product teams that manage many of the largest service platforms. Unlike other consumer products, the customer expectations and MVP requirements for platform products are completely different. As Ash explains, it’s important to align your customer’s needs with your business focus and always to be mindful of who’s in charge.

Product Leadership in Distributed Teams

Expand the talent pool, and improve the quality of life for employees, by adopting a distributed teams style of organization.

Finding Your North Star For Growth Products

Understanding product-market fit is critical for defining a "North Star" to set up growth products for success and reach more customers.

Platform Product Management

Ash Wahi has led product teams that manage many of the largest service platforms. Managing a platform product shares many common themes with other product management functions. However, as Ash explains, there are key differences in defining the strategy for platform products and how feedback is collected to enhance the product experience.

Effective Language For Team Building

Communication skills and effective use of language in team building are critical for positive reinforcement and continuous learning.

Growth Products: Create Empathy By Listening

The principle of empathy connects the features of growth products with customers to create value and engagement for more users.

Product Design Roles & Responsibilities

Alignment on product design roles and priorities requires a structured approach with clear responsibilities.

Team Building With The Growth Mindset

The growth mindset drives effective team building to create lifelong learners who are dedicated to continuous improvement.

Product Manager 101: Always Ship, Rarely Launch

Product manager must balance large-scale launches with constantly adding new features to existing products in order to engage with users.

Mobile Product Design for Recovery Counselors

Optimize core features of mobile product design to expand your audience and drive additional product growth with new user acquisition.

Protection From Villains In Design Thinking

Product managers must focus on the role that "villains" can play in the design thinking process to protect customers with positive intent.

Product Design Flow For Your Customers

Creating a memorable first impression is vital for engagement, driven by three factors that are responsible for customer retention.

Improving Mobile Product Design With User Input

Direct feedback from customers is critical for enhancing mobile product design to drive engagement and creating value for users.

Product Management: Trust The Process

Product management can lead culture changes through collaborative processes that increase transparency to make better business decisions.

Introducing Data to Product Management

Effective product management is powered by data to make better decisions finding new business opportunities and understanding customer needs.

Design Thinking Challenges: Users vs. Villains

To create well-rounded products, design thinking should involve analysis for what can happen when products are used with bad intent

AI Product Design: Data + Humanity

Human interaction has impacted AI product design by creating new data points to optimize products and make user interfaces more intuitive.

AI Product Design: Flickr to Google Photo

Community engagement has enhanced AI product design to engage users with meaningful content that is powered by social connectivity.

Product Marketing: Specs vs. Aspiration

Meghan Laffey led the product team at GoPro from its early origins to an IPO that drove massive growth for the company. It’s easy to “nerd out” on specs with innovative products like GoPro cameras. However, Meghan highlights that GoPro customers aren’t buying cameras because they’re super-technical products. Most importantly, they are buying into an aspirational lifestyle.

Product Marketing: User-Generated Content

Meghan Laffey led the product team at GoPro from its early origins to an IPO that drove massive growth for the company. GoPro cameras turn every outdoor activity into an incredible video production that can be easily shared with millions of people. As Meghan explains, GoPro leverages various types of user-generated content to reach multiple audiences and showcase their product capabilities.

Product Design Begins In The Shop

The fundamentals of product design are learned hands-on; experiences that you only get in a workshop or on the floor of a manufacturing plant.

Mid-Stage Product Development

Alex MacCallum leads the New Product and Ventures team at The New York Times – bringing new subscribers to a traditional media source with engaging content and fresh perspectives. Once a new source for growth is identified, you need to hone in on providing relevant content to users. As Alex explains, the cooking product was built on real-world observation and a comprehensive review of what people needed to prepare a meal at home.

The Five Elements of Product Design

StudioRed Founder Philip Bourgeois on the five elements for product design that are driven by what is most important in products today.

Early Stage Product Development

Alex MacCallum leads the New Product and Ventures team at The New York Times – bringing new subscribers to a traditional media source with engaging content and fresh perspectives. There are many ways of identifying new opportunities for growth – and Alex describes how her team landed on the topic of parenting to create a new content source for The Times.

How To Use Customer Data In Product Design

User data is driving product design, protecting user privacy is a challenge. Effective team building makes a difference.

Adapting Product Design To Human Behavior

Kintan Brahmbhatt is a product leader with Amazon Music, pioneering innovative solutions for music lovers to listen to their favorite songs. Searching for new content used to be entirely text-based, but voice commands and audible technology have changed the game in how people search for content. Instead of using a conventional search to find music, Kintan outlines how simply asking for “the newest song” allows music lovers to find their new favorite song without knowing its title.

Designing Products For Cybersecurity

Unique features and designs are required for security product managers to protect us against emerging cybersecurity threats.

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